James Baker
James Bruce Baker was born on December 17, 1925, and has never lived it down.
He was born in a wee, little one-horse town by the name of Darrouzzuett [he wasn’t sure of the spelling], Texas. That’s up in the North-East corner of the Texas panhandle, just about where the Oklahoma panhandle begins across the State Line.
In his first six years of life he had typhoid fever, double pneumonia, and the red measles. They say he had to learn to walk twice. He doesn’t know, since he’s not sure he was there.
He started grade school in the town of Shamrock, Texas through the heart of which ran the once famous Highway 66 [now called I-40}.
When WWII started, he was just entering High School in Shamrock.
In 1943, he left home and went to Amarillo, Texas and got a job in a grain elevator of a 200,000 bushel capacity. He didn’t smoke in those days, and that was a good thing, because the chaff from grain such as wheat is highly flammable.
That year, he went home for Xmas and was late getting back to his grain elevator job. He was fired. He walked across the tracks and immediately got a job in the FT. WORTH AND DENVER Railroad roadhouse. He was there about six months when he was drafted, as had been many of the boys before him on that job. When the war was over, and he asked for his job back, they laughed at him.
He had one year of high school at the time, and with his G.I. privileges, he was able to start college as a freshman. He made up his lost high school years when he came out to California and started college there. He received a Public School District certificate of High School completion.
He finished four years of college besides and went into Grad School, but S.F. State College at that time was strictly a teachers college, and he had to have a teaching credential to graduate with an MA, so he quit school at the age of 30 and went into real estate. He sold real estate in the bay area and in Sacramento for 31 years. At which time, in 1984, he was hospitalized with a perforated ulcer, and quit real estate, and he quit smoking. They cut his Vegas nerve, and he hasn’t gambled since [look it up, it’s real.]
He started writing his first novel when he was ten years old, and he had his own secret method of writing so that no one else could read it. He went from right to left, starting at the bottom of the page. When he was away to war, his younger sister threw it away. She couldn’t make heads or tails of it, of course…so he couldn’t blame her.
He had a love life of sorts, but nothing to write home or away from home about. He fought all his life to get ahead. He had complete, or bits of novels lying around of about 12 in number.
ProMart was his real estate office’s designation, so he took the name when he started being a small press editor and publisher in 1995, and he never looked back. He always imagined that he was too tard, considering he worked about 40 hours a week at a Taco Bell affiliate.
The rest of it is of public record.
James Bruce Baker died of complications from colon cancer on September 18, 2002.-jae


Ian Brazee-Cannon
Ian Brazee-Cannon has been called the "greatest writing voice of a generation" by characters in his head. They call him a lot of other things as well, most of which are not suitable for polite company. He rarely associates with polite company though, so this is not something he normally worries about. If you do find yourself talking with one of these characters, they somehow have escaped from Ian's head. Best not to trust a thing they say, as they have questionable motives.
On the creative side, Ian keeps himself busy with writing, podcasting, film making, game designing and other creative endeavors. Over three dozen of his short stories have seen publication. Divided States of America, 'The Fifth Di...', 'Wondrous Web Worlds', 'Forgotten Worlds', 'Tales of the Talisman' and various anthologies have featured his works. He has worked on supplements for the Ephemeris RPG. He is a founder and regular co-host on the Amateur Skeptics podcast. Dangling Carrot Films, Running Riot Productions and Ijin Studios have made use of him as a writer, director, producer and editor on their projects.
In an on-going bout of lunacy, Ian has taken on the task of writing about Georgie and Armand's Place, an interdimensional hotel run by life partners who are shapeshifting, master mage Dragons. So far he has cobbled together two novels and a dozen short stories that follow their unique adventures.
Ian has no need for pets, as he has raised his two boys, Quinn and Hayden, who are incredibly bratty and difficult, and he loves them more than anything. He also lives with his girlfriend Lorelei, who is herself a creative type as a musician and writer. The four of them live a highly geeky life and are active in many geeky activities in the Colorado geek communities.


J Alan Erwine
J Alan Erwine lives just outside of Denver with his amazing wife and their youngest daughter. Yes, J is now old enough to have two adult daughters. J’s family shares their household with two cats, and a turtle that pretty much keeps to himself.
J has published more than 60 short stories, three novels, and numerous short story collections. A few years ago, J realized that although he loved the small press, he couldn’t make enough money writing for them, so at that point, he took control of most of his work, and has been publishing mostly independently ever since.
J is the managing editor at Nomadic Delirium Press, and in addition to writing and editing, J has also taken an interest in creating role playing games. He is the co-creator of the Ephemeris Science Fiction RPG, and the creator of the Rocks on the Other Side and Battle for Turtle Island RPGs.
To learn more about J, visit his website at or visit his blog at


Mike Morgan
Mike Morgan writes science fiction, fantasy, and horror, often with a focus on the environment and inequality. He has had over 75 short stories published in various magazines and anthologies, including Utopia Science Fiction, Haven Spec, and the Best of British Science Fiction (twice). He also writes novellas and poems, and the occasional comic book script. Insignificant is his first novel. He has received praise for his writing from various reviewers, but the comment that has stuck with him the most over the years was the direct, no-nonsense summation of "Mike writes good science fiction," which is, in a nutshell, what he aspires to. Mike has lived and worked on three continents, which makes answering the question "Where are you from?" surprisingly difficult for him to answer, but currently dwells in the uncharted wilderness of suburban Iowa with his extremely patient wife and two amazing children. He is often seen wandering his house with a cat perched on his shoulder (the cat insists on this mode of transportation). If you discover Mike in his natural habitat, you should lure him back to his keyboard with cheese, because he really should be writing. He has deadlines, you know. Any type of cheese is fine, although he does like a nice piece of Red Leicester.


Eamonn Murphy
Eamonn Murphy lives near Bristol, England and has spent the last 57 years growing up, reading Marvel comics and Golden Age SF, doing many different jobs. Finally, he has settled with a nice lady in the countryside and is trying to make a career of writing. He has been a reviewer for sfcrowsnest for several years and has published over thirty science-fiction stories in small magazines like Spaceports and Spidersilk and The Fifth Di…. His YA fantasy novella The Brigstowe Dragons is out now from Alban Lake publishing and his self published collection Consarn Christmas and Other stories is available from all good ebook retailers. He blogs on and details of his other publication can be found there.